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    • 21 Oct 2026
    • Conference Room 2B

    [ez english]A workshop intended for those interested in sharing research knowledge with audiences beyond the academic community. The workshop was designed to teach the unique skillset associated with KT practice.


    [ez french]Un atelier destiné à ceux qui s'intéressent à la diffusion des connaissances de recherche auprès de publics au-delà de la communauté académique. L'atelier a été conçu pour enseigner l'ensemble de compétences uniques associées à la pratique de la TC (traduction des connaissances).


    • 22 Oct 2026
    • Conference Room 1A

    The curriculum is delivered as a composite of didactic and interactive teaching, with a focus on practice and application.

    • 23 Oct 2026
    • Conference Room 1000

    Implementing evidence-based practices is a complex process. There are dozens of implementation theories, models and frameworks in the literature, but knowing which one to use and when is often a barrier to implementation on the ground.

    • 24 Oct 2026
    • Conference Room 33BA

    Research findings should be communicated so that everyone can understand and use them to improve health and health care services. For example, parents should know about current research so they can advocate for their children’s health, and health-care providers need to know about recent discoveries that might affect how they deliver care.

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